Email is still dominant

The average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail.
- The McKinsey Institute

Why redesign emails

A new email design increased clickthrough rate by 8.9%
Source: NextAfter #1678

New Markets

54% of CEOs have entered a new sector, or considered it, in the past three years

High level of talent management

19% of surveyed organizations have a relatively clear, data-based talent strategy, as well as a leadership strategy and associated development opporutnities that are well-aligned to the organization's strategic objectives.

Bersin Research, "High-Impact Talent Management: The New Talent Management Maturity Model."

Talent management maturity

"70% of organizations have low talent management maturity...and are missing out on the potential financial, business, and talent benefits of higher maturity"

Retention on Mobile

61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they have trouble accessing

Emails Usage

91% of all US consumers still use e-mail daily
ExactTarget, 2012 Channel Preference Survey

Emails convert 3x better than social media

Email marketing works 40 times better at getting customers than Facebook and Twitter, and compared to social media, it offers 17 percent higher conversion. The secret to success is making every email count. Email not only converts better than the most popular social media, but people spend up to 17 percent more when they do buy.

Reach and you will achieve

Setting specific goals ("Try to get more than 90% correct") result in superior performance more motivating than vague exhortations or low expectations ("Try your best")

Edwin Locke and Gary Latham,A Theory of Goal Setting & Task Performance

Performance management is broken

58% of executives surveyed believe their current performance process does not drive employee engagement and high performance.
58% of executives surveyed believe their current performance is not an effective use of anyone's time.
Deloitte University Press. Performance Management is Broken

More collaboration

67% of employees report an increase in work requiring active collaboration.


A work sample test is the best predictor of how someone will perform on the job during an interview (29%)

Tied for second are:
  • Tests of general cognitive ability (26 percent).
  • Structured interviews (26 percent), where candidates are asked a consistent set of questions with clear criteria to assess the quality of responses.

Grading Performance Reviews

58% of 750 senior HR professionals graded their own performance management systems as a C or worse.
Source: World at Work and Sibson Consulting

The growing stakeholder count

6 out of 10 leaders have seen an increase over the last three years in the number of stakeholders to consult before making the decision
CEB Research


22% of HR leaders believe that their organization is effective at generating innovative ideas

Organizational Agility

25% of leaders believe that they will be able to adapt to significant change in business strategy

Future skill gap

27% of organizations feel that they have the leaders they need for the future
CEB Research


 9% of managers trust another manager in a different department


 46% of companies have no revenue visibility until 11th week of the quarter
66% of attention on a normal media page is spent below the fold. Source: Chartbeat

Mass personalization

69% of North American marketers say dynamic, personalized content is important for their website. Only 5% say it’s of low importance. Source: Marketing Charts

Power of 3 seconds

40% of people will abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load. Source: Econsultancy


Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text Source: SocialTimes

First Impressions

94% of a user’s first impressions are design-related Source: Veopix

Credibility in Design

48% of people cited a website’s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business. Source: IronPaper


90% of people use multiple screens sequentially

Source: Uberflip

Show that you care

68% of users give up because they think you don't care about them

Customer retention is a big deal — yet the majority of users fail to convert because they think you don't care about their experience. Implementing UX processes during design and development builds user loyalty and increases conversions.


Power of 5

Testing with just 5 users can find 85% of your site's problems